It is important for me to convey that while I am a psychotherapist, I am first a fellow human being sojourning through this world trying to overcome hurts and hangups like the rest of us. I come to this profession having experienced profound pain, grief and loss- as well as knowing intrinsically what it looks and feels like to heal, grow and emerge free from difficult circumstances. I am a passionate believer that people can go on to live lives of meaning, purpose and joy even after experiencing devastating trauma and pain. It takes hard work but it can be done. I work from the lens that while being a human can be brutal, it can also be a breathtakingly beautiful journey of self-discovery, wonder, adventure and growth. The work that I do is birthed from a deep understanding and appreciation for peoples pain and unique struggles as well as a sincere desire to assist in the process of healing and restoration.
My primary passion is working with relationships and attachment injuries particularly betrayal trauma as a result of sexual addiction, abandonment, marriage problems, divorce, parenting and family problems. I also work with issues around substance abuse and addiction recovery, spiritual and relational abuse issues, grief and loss, identity formation/strengthening, and trauma resolution. My approach in treating clients is from a psycho dynamic, emotionally focused, and strength based perspective. I believe that we were shaped and formed by our early experiences, particularly with our primary caregivers. Over time we developed ways of coping, being and connecting with the world-sometimes healthy sometimes not-but we survived and we are here. I aim to actively listen to your most pressing needs and desires and to provide a safe place for us to explore, process and grow. If you think we might be a good fit, please don't hesitate to contact me. I would be honored to work with you.
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